New Russian Chronicles
Surviving monotaxocausofilia

Archivo de marzo 2010

Heaven’s gonna burn your eyes…


Si esta no es música para pegarse viajes, que venga dios y lo vea.



HOLY SHIT, STOP PRESS: RICKY MARTIN SAYS HE’s GAY! Mmh…. No, actually, forget it, don’t stop the press. Everyone knew anyway.

Men who stare at goats


Et oui, j’ai vu ce film il y a qqs semaines mais j’ai oublié après. Alors: Men who stare at goats: Delirious Voilà. Je recommande à tout le monde.

From non-belligerence to neutrality – II


Total, que por primera vez en mi vida he estado en Ginebra. Vamos a empezar por la conclusión: admito que después de ver los en su hábitat natural, he perdido un poco de los prejuicios que tenía contra los suizos. (De ahí el título de este post). Además, a mí me cuesta enfadarme con la […]

From non-belligerence to neutrality – I


El himno suizo no suena patriótico ni a nada. Menuda castaña. Es una melodía clásica muy bonita, pero coño ¿con eso piensas inspirar a las tropas a dejarse matar por la patria? Anda ya. El himno polaco si que es la crema, sí que parte las rimas. Seguro que hay cuatro versiones de métal hechas.



I’ve always thought that some videogames (the top-tier, the first division of them), are actually minor works of art.

something amazing


When I was in Rome, I met at the owners of the (sadly, deceased) dog of the film «Tea with Mussolinni», which I saw once many centuries ago. The dog in the arms of Judy Dench in this pic Also, this (female dog) adopted, nursed and feed a newborn cat. From the series «Amazing […]

Fiat Documentis


Yes! I did it! I just took the motto of FAO and made a pun with it in the title of this post! Yay! Serious question: Do you think that the fact that the UN system pops up often in my head, that I do puns with it, that I know which is the UN […]

Mark V


Another bridge of Paris. A bridge baking on a very warm july day, with a marvellous, stark sun transmitting significant amounts of joules to everyone’s skin. A warm day of balmy breezes. This particular bridge was beside one of those… Paris-plages. I was with a very good friend of mine, who had come visit me. […]

Flower of Scotland


Quelqun recemment… bon, soyons clairs: Mon cher Tomas, après avoir lu ma longue et peu interessant reflexion sur les hymnes du monde, m’a parlé d’un très, très interessant, l’hymne officieux de l’Écosse, Flower of Scotland. Why don’t you just listen to it? Pourquoi c’est interessant? Et bien, c’est interessant de la même manière que l’hymne […]